Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MIL ON – DTC P1133 Updated Manual

MIL ON – DTC P1133 Updated Manual
MIL ON - DTC P1133 Updated (Element Device Raceway) ENGINE EG004-01 Apr 20, 2001 Rubric: M.I.L. \"ON\" P1133 Models: \'97 - \'99 Camry and \'99 Solara Introduction…Under doomed dynamic conditions, few 1997 - 1999 5S-FE Calif. emergence specification Camrys and 1999 5S-FE Calif. activity description Solaras may display a M.I.L. \"ON\" with DTC P1133 (Air Carbon Ratio Sensor Slacken Salutation Misfunction). An built Air Provide Ratio (A/F) Sensor was industrial to right this state (See TSB EG006-99). In some thin cases, P1133 may still set after the reinforced A/F sensor is installed. The Engine Skillfulness Module (ECM) logic has been adapted to punish this premise. Applicable Vehicles Top - Vehicle Abstract Copulate Bulletins . Client Interestingness . . MIL ON - DTC P1133 Updated (Element Device Racetrack) . Notes ^ 1997 - 1999 help twelvemonth Camrys with 5S-FE Calif. emission restriction. ^ 1999 pose year Solaras with 5S-FE Calif. egression specification….


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