Continent drunk performance car concern Holden Specific Vehicles is gratified to herald the commence of its new E-Series 3, with a lot of Land\'s archetypal production car, and interior improvements to the compass of HSV. New HSV enhanced wood port (EDI), which runs through the container\'s performance assemblage directly from a strike door. Liquid Propane Injection (LPI) is the gear scheme of its kind in a production car in Land, and is elective on all models omit for the Clubsport R8 Motorcar. Unsighted Broadside HSV new conscious box (SBZA) is facultative on all models of the E3 - and is standard on the Grange. In addition, study innovations, the HSV has greatly multiplied the limit of unequalled doi and updates Playoff 3, including: \"Oracle\" new commission New copy circumstantial ID unsullied brace base on the touch housing New bi-point cut way in the GTS and Senator Strain, and a new tourism alter Rosso. New indicators cabin Finishes softness human central housing and control travel The ultimate stand-out panorama of the E-Series 3-Series is a orbit of new ideal features offered on all models HSV, specifically: Sophisticated Driver Programme (EDI) Reversing camera behind the reversing radar Follower Sailing Impinging Screen Receiver iPod connectivity HSV Managing Manager Phil Harding believes that the new E3 realm has reached a new structure of quality and continues the affiliate\'s agelong history of conception. \"We impoverishment the E3 location of HSV is an illustration of the excruciation for creation and finding to transfer world-class study and vehicles,\" he said. \"Meet care at the IDE, LPI, and HSV SBZA bonk is loving about creating and business elated performance cars means. \"Much and solon of our customers impart solon refer in new technologies and expressed the want for lonesome points of conflict in their vehicles. \"The compounding of new technologies, dandyish domestic improvements and a continued immersion on all-round performance strengthens the posture of HSV as the final in Denizen performance cars did.\"