The smart fortwo is not so much a small car as a short. With only eight meters from stem to stern, is by far the shortest car on the market. What is the difference between small and short? A small car can stay low to the ground to achieve excellent handling and fuel economy. A small car only excels at one thing: parking unlimited parallel. The first generation Smart proved the point. As reviewed on TTAC, it was a noisy, slow, poor handling, stiff-legged bouncy, and a car with meh mileage crashy. Thus, Daimler says it's corrected the flaws of the first-gen is. The version 2.0 heads stateside in 2008 ready for prime time? The new ForTwo maintains its Tonka toy proportions and look at me I'm wearing designer sunglasses (without prescription) unconventionality. There is now a bracket painted around the driver's compartment: a clever if unsuccessful attempt to reassure drivers that Smart has your back (as there is nothing much behind them). From certain angles, the bar marked Four Two looks like a Pokemon with weird sideburns. Anyway, there's no denying that observers (especially women) fight the urge to muss her hair metaphorical, the ForTwo and pinch your cheeks figuratively. cabin.jpgThe new cabin ForTwo uses shapes, textures and fonts with a little less original than before. The dash is now in monolithic form powerful Mercedes. And it's a shame the periscopes single signature (rpms and clock) are not standard issue. On the positive side, the interior is still very airy and spacious: a paradise for a brace of urban art loving. The quality of materials and finishes Ye Olde SMART overcome by a wide margin. Better yet, the trunk of the ForTwo can now swallow a full 58 liters of luggage.